Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Ultimate SARMs Stack

What are SARMs: 

 SARMs are a class of therapeutic anabolic agents that are a little mild than the common steroids.This factor gives an advantage when it comes to selecting the specific androgen receptor.Apart from the ability to be taken orally, SARMs have milder side effects.They are able to work differently for anabolic and androgenic responses of the body.This provides potential in therapeutic activities for medical conditions like muscle-wasting osteoporosis,hypogonadism and cancer. Several non-steroidal androgens have a ratio of anabolic to androgenic properties greater than 3:1 up to 90:1 (RAD-140). Testosterone has a ratio of 1:1

SARMs have a potential for misuse and are thus prohibited by WADA(World Anti-doping Agency). Usually SARMs are misused for muscle enhancement in sport due to their ability to stimulate the androgen receptors in muscles and bones. Clinical approval as prescription drugs has not yet been permitted for any of the SARMs though there are published scientific articles on recent developments and trials of any of the drug candidates from the internet.Some drug candidates of the SARMs have been actually abandoned. Examples are Acetothiolutamide, Andrine,LG-121071,TFM-4_AS1 and YK-11. To detect any signs of abuse urine samples are tested using liquid-chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.  

How SARMs work: 

All steroids work almost the same way in muscle build up by increasing testosterone which increases the synthesis of proteins the cells. This process also helps burn up fats in the body. This anabolic side is an advantage especially for sportsmen and weight lifters. However the androgenic side of steroids is they also interact with the rest of the body and may sometimes bring up some side effects like shrinking of the male sex organs and enlargement of the women sexual organs. Some of the known results of SARMs with their targeted benefits are listed below;

  • MK-2866(Ostarine)-helps in muscle build up and fat burn up.muscles increase at approximately 1 pound/month. 
  • LGD 4033(Anabolicum)-strictly increases muscle build up without fat burning up. 
  • GW501516 3.S4 4.SR9009-This one has had tests on mice only resulting in higher endurance in vigorous activities and high fat burn up. SR9009 also initiated growth of new mitochondria.

1 comment:

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